Ostermiller Award Standards

Standards for the Award
The Ostermiller Award was established in Peter’s honor by APRL’s Board of Directors in 2024 to recognize the lifetime achievement of an APRL member who not only has realized a distinguished legal career in legal ethics and professional responsibility, but has also been a champion for APRL, through volunteer service over an extended period to support the health and sustainability of the organization. The Ostermiller Award is given to acknowledge that, to operate properly, bar organizations require many volunteer hours from busy professionals, who graciously donate their time, efforts, and talents for our greater good, and that APRL’s members and the organization as a whole benefit significantly from those that go above and beyond to nurture the organization and foster the legal ethics community.
Nomination Process
- Nominations for the Ostermiller Award are considered every two years, during odd-numbered years, by APRL’s Board
- After considering the nominations, and solely at the Board’s discretion, it may select a recipient. If the Board chooses to award the Ostermiller Award, it will be presented at APRL’s Annual Meeting.
- Nominations may be made by any APRL member. During odd-numbered years, at least 120 days prior to the Annual Meeting, APRL’s Secretary shall solicit nominations from APRL’s membership. Any APRL member wishing to nominate someone for the Ostermiller Award must submit a written nomination to APRL’s Secretary, no later than 100 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The Secretary shall collect all nominations and submit those nominations to the Board no later than 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Separate supporting documents which describe the nominee’s accomplishments, contributions, initiatives, and the impact in service to APRL may be submitted as well. Finally, a resume including the nominee’s history of involvement in the field of legal ethics and professional responsibility and letters of support may also be included.
- APRL members can both be nominated for, and receive, the Ostermiller Award posthumously.