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Task Force on Mental Health & Attorney Wellness

The Task Force on Mental Health & Attorney Wellness was created in 2024 by Past President Tyler Maulsby to explore the needs of its membership and the legal profession as a whole concerning lawyer mental health and wellness so that steps can be taken to better assist lawyers both in the association and the greater legal community with information, resources, programs, and an embracing community. The committee’s goals are to educate lawyers about preserving and improving their own mental health; Provide programming that is experiential at all in-person meetings; Develop programs delivered virtually on wellness; Improve understanding of mental health issues among bar counsel and disciplinary regulators; Improve understanding of mental health issues among admission to practice gatekeepers; Propose changes in bar applications and hearings on fitness issues; Focus on the impact of mental health factors in disciplinary matters; Consider initiatives for managers and supervisors; Consider alternative strategies depending on practice settings; provide recovery meetings and other outreach for APRL members; and provide a list of resources to be published on the APRL website for its members.


Chair: Kim D. Ringler

Board Liaison: Tyler Maulsby

Consulting Clinician: Paula Shagin, MSM, LCSW



Ellen Pansky
Michael Downey
Ben Grimes
Paul Floyd
Clara Martone Boyce
Tracy Kepler
Joanna Storey Mishler
Charles Ciaccio
Denise Quinterri


Any APRL members who are interested in joining this Committee should contact the Committee’s Chair.